Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Group Work on 4/14/09

Vanessa, Kevin, Tyler, and Lauryn.

1. Aron going to the regular class, instead of the special needs classes, so he wouldn't imitate the special needs students.
2. How the special needs students were excluded from the rest of the school, by getting placed in different buildings. They feel like they cant do that kind of work and are less valued.
3. When Richard was placed into a class regular classroom, his mother noticed a difference in his learning, rather than in a special needs classroom.
1. Including disability student into mainstream classroom, they benefit socially, and acedemically.
2.By keeping them seperated they feel disgusted and looked down apon, but if you have them together as one, that wouldnt happen. One would see them as individuals.
3. Relationships would evolve in classrooms when they are put together. They would learn to value each other as individuals and their opinions.

1 comment:

  1. Lauryn, You blogs are all so thorough and rich with detail and reflection. Really nice job with these!! I know you worked hard.

    LB :)
