Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Group Work on 4/14/09

Vanessa, Kevin, Tyler, and Lauryn.

1. Aron going to the regular class, instead of the special needs classes, so he wouldn't imitate the special needs students.
2. How the special needs students were excluded from the rest of the school, by getting placed in different buildings. They feel like they cant do that kind of work and are less valued.
3. When Richard was placed into a class regular classroom, his mother noticed a difference in his learning, rather than in a special needs classroom.
1. Including disability student into mainstream classroom, they benefit socially, and acedemically.
2.By keeping them seperated they feel disgusted and looked down apon, but if you have them together as one, that wouldnt happen. One would see them as individuals.
3. Relationships would evolve in classrooms when they are put together. They would learn to value each other as individuals and their opinions.

Talking Points #9

Citizenship in School: Reconceptualizing Down Syndrome By: Christopher Kliewer

This reading was very interesting, and about equality in the schools. Teaching students with down syndrome, teachers seem to seperate children, so it hinders one education because of the segregation. If students with down syndrome usually get seperated out, and its not good for them, because they may see themselves as stupid, and different from a actual human being. All people should be valued as a person, and treated equally in the community. They should be able to communicate and have acceptance with one anothers differences. The arguement is kind of unclear, but i believe he's trying to say everyone has individual needs, and one should respect them as people, and help them with relationships that would help and educate them, in everyday life.
1.)"Shayne recognized a child's nonconformity as natural human diversiry; a source of strenght that could be supported by the school community in order that it adds a unique and valuable dimension to that community."
I believe that children with down syndrome, should not be catorgorized, because they're all human beings too. They are just naturally diverse, and they should be supported by the community and valued for being different. It is important for kids with down syndrome to develope relationships with people, not only in schools, but in the community as well.
2.)"No child was inherently an intellectual burden to a classroom, in fact, she argued each student contributed a unique and potentially valuable dimension to the web of relationships that formed a school community."
I feel this quote was a good one and it really expressed the argument. Students should be able to learn when they go to school, reguardless of any disabilities they may have. No children should be considered a burden, because they arent the same as the other students in the classroom. The teacher should recognized each child as an individual, that has different individual needs in order of a proper education.
3.)" The metaphor of 'spread' illustrates the image of defect blanketing the unique humaness of students charged with the differences that matter. What is hidden under a cloak of incompetence is the individuality and personality of the human being. Teachers who valued their children as citizens recognized each student's individuality."
Teachers need to look past students with disabilities and notice that they're all citizens. They are to have the same education as anyone else.
I liked this reading, i read pretty much the whole thing. I found it very repetitive, but i do believe that they shouldnt be segregated based on their disabilities. I dont know where this falls, but my mom is a teacher, and she has a student in her school, where he would always disbehave, use profanity toward the teachers and other peers. There came to a point where he would hit others and hurt them and has to be restrained. In a situation like this, i dont believe he should be placed into a classroom with regualr students, because he would be a problem to the others in trying to get their education. if he would be hurting others by throwing fits, where he hits and kicks his peers and the teacher, i dont believe he should be in a classroom like that, because he isnt learning properly and neither are the other children. Its been a continuous problem, and his mother always protects him and never trys to see the schools p.o.v, even when hes yelling and swearing, and hitting. Its not the right behavior one should be acting in a school environment. If it would be interferring with others, i believe in a situation like this, they should be put in inclusive classrooms, to better provide their educational needs and the educational needs of the other students. Im not sure if he had down syndrome specifically, but it was a problem that needed to be addressed in my moms school.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Talking Points #8

Social Class and the Hidden Curriculum of Work By Jean Anyon
Why schools need to talk another route By Jeannie Oakes
In these readings, the author talks about how schools with different classes and certain races produce the hidden curriculum. Anyon did an observation between five schools whom were from poor communities, and wealthy communities. She has certain names for the schools such as: the working class school, the middle class school, the affluent professional school, and the executive elite school.
In the working class, many of the fathers had unskilled and semiskilled jobs, and Anyon also noticed that the majority is on 85 percent white. These schools family incomes are at the federal poverty level. While she observed the teacher, she noticed that the employed teachers don’t really have a passion for their jobs. They didn’t really teach lessons, they just did their own dittos and when a student still didn’t get it, she just told them they need to keep practicing, and didn’t provide them any help. In almost every lesson the students have to copy what the teacher is writing.
1.) “At this point a girl said she had a faster was to do it and the teacher said, No, you don’t; you don’t even know what I’m making yet. Do it this way or it’s wrong.” I was very surprised at how negative the teachers were toward the students. In this quote, a teacher was writing a grid, and without telling the students what she was making, they were to copy her. When a girl student caught on to what she was doing, she thought of an easier way to do it and the teacher just put her down and practically told her she was doing it wrong. I don’t think that this is an appropriate way to teach. Always getting dittos and not a proper lesson, no wonder why students in the lower class don’t have any ambition to do anything with their lives.
2.) “ The four fifth grade teachers observed in the working class schools attempted to control classroom time and space by making decisions without consulting the children and without explaining the basis for their decisions.” I thought of this quote as interesting. If the children don’t know why the teachers do the stuff they do, how can they learn properly? The codes of power certainly aren’t being taught just by this. The teachers often ignore the school bells, they made every effort to control the children and their actions, all the materials was theirs, and they had no clocks in the room for the students to know what time it was. This school, being a lower/working class, the teachers didn’t really care about every child learning and becoming successful in society because that’s what they came from. I get the feeling that the richer get richer and the poor get poorer.
3.) “There is little excitement in schoolwork for the children, and the assignments are perceived as having little to do with their interests and feelings. As one child said, what you do is ‘store facts up in your head like cold storage-until you need it later for a test or your job’ Thus doing well is important because there are thought to be other likely rewards: a good job or college.” I think the higher class schools get the picture. With this quote, it told me that the students have ambition, and the teachers are doing a good job in educating them. The students know why they are in school and why they have to learn. The teachers honor the bells and the students work on getting the right answers as well as explaining how they got them. They teach from textbooks and use the materials provided to them.
The higher class school seem to be providing a better education for the students, than the lower class schools. The teachers have more of a passion for learning than the teachers in the lower class schools. This is the hidden curriculum, depending on the social classes of the schools Anyon observed. In the higher classes, they were very professional… they made sure the student were getting the proper education because that’s where their family came from since the elite school family income would be 100,000 to 500,000 dollars. I believe every school should be treated like an elite school. It teaches the codes of power properly and they have a higher learning rate and are well behaved. I want to teach my students one day like this, and not like those teachers who don’t really care if the kids are learning or not.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Talking Points #7

Anita Hills is a Boy By: Peggy Orenstein

I really enjoyed this reading a lot, it was an easy read and short to the point. It takes place in Ms. Logan's classroom where she is trying not to practice equity but to teach it. Educators around the country are working to develope a gender-fair curricula. They are trying to address issues of the hidden curriculum, offering self-defense classes for girls, introducing aspects of sex ed as early as kindergarden, and develope curricula that explicitly takes on sexual harassment and is not male dominated. In Ms. Logans class, they do a project that s learning from the inside out. They begin to do research on their women, and they learn to connect to their life, and to really become the person. She teaches lessons where the boys in the class would have to act like an historic women. She began to see that girls are opt to take on either male or female roles, while boys just want to take on male roles. Girls in her class are dazzled by the reflection of the women around them, that they are studying. For the first time, it may be that the boys are the ones looking through the window, rather than all the other girls who have been doing that their whole life.
1.)"If my class seems anxious at the beginning of a women's unit, I reassure them that women's studies is not about ruling over, its about existing with. Its important to be explicit with these reassurances right away. Feminist teaching is not about allowing a win/lose situation to develope between boys and girls."
I liked this quote a lot. It was pretty straight forward, what she is trying to teach in the classroom. All other classrooms are different from this because they don't really appreciate women as much as Ms. Logan does. They teach the regular stuff, thats all male-dominated, and its good to be different once and a while. Its really not about having the win/lose situation between boys and girls, it's just noticing that women are existing with men. They compare, and they are equal.

2.) "Give her a hand everyone! Ms Logan says, and even though shes is gesturing to a boy- who in this case who in this case would undoubtfully be ashamed to be called 'her' in front of forty peers- no one even flinches. Instead the students bursts into applause. And Nick, who has, if only for a few minutes, lived the expierience of sexually harassed women, takes his seat."
I liked how Ms. Logan did this lesson, where a boy would have to act like the women he is studying, and be put into her shoes. They didnt have to dress up or anything, but i thought it would be a cool lesson to do with a class. Ms. Logan knew he didnt feel comfortable with being a women and acting like one, and he did a very good preformance.

3.)" When boys feel like they're being forced to admire a women they try to pick one that they think behaves sort of like a man. Thats what they can best relate too."
I agree with this. I remember in middle school as well as high school that if we were in groups, the boys could never be any female part. They always have to be the male. I thought it was rediculous, but hey, thats how boys are. They feel like they'd be giving something up because boys percieve equality as a loss, which shouldnt be anymore, because we're all the same.

I found it very interesting that the boys in her classroom thought she was sexist just because she takes feminism seriously. When the girls in the class were telling about how much they liked it, they still felt bad for the boys because they felt that the boys are feeling ignored. This reading was a good one, i enjoyed it very much

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Diversity Paper

February 13, 2009
The Vagina Monologues

This event was very interesting. It also was a little bit weird, since this would be the first time I went to the event, and it was with my mother. I believe the purpose that the author is trying to make, would be to have women stop living in the silence. Johnson would of liked this play, because the women in it just said the words, even if it was about their vaginas. Women live in silence probably because of the male’s dominance in society. Women out of everyone, is a main target in abusive relationships. I also believe this event is intending to raise awareness for domestic abuse. Overall, this event had its sad stories, and also very funny stories, and I enjoyed this performance very much.
My favorite event was when the girl was talking about the all the different orgasms. It was very funny, and amusing. It really made my mother and I laugh really loud as well as the rest of the audience. I thought that this chapter, and the actress who portrayed it, was a good example of Johnson. As funny as that may sound, she just said the words, and said her feelings, making the story clear to the point, and very entertaining. The girl who acted the part was very good at expressing all the different orgasms, in ways that they all were hilarious.
There was a girl, who was a lesbian telling her story. To me, this was a good display of Carlson, because they made a spot in the book for a homophobic. They were not left out in any way, they were just telling the story. It would be a good example of gay people wanting a place in the community as well as well as feeling normalized.
My least favorite was they act about ‘the flood’. It was about an old woman, telling a story when she was younger, and how she flooded her underwear and dress when kissing a very handsome young man. I kind of was getting nauseous, when the girl Sarah was telling the story. Overall it was gross all the details she put into it, how it went through her dress onto the seat of his car. I know I wouldn’t want that on the seat of my car, and it disgusted me. I know because of the story that she couldn’t help it, but still it made me feel a little sick.
Another story that made me feel very sad was the story about how the women did not feel comfortable shaving her vagina, and her husband would mess around with other women. If it made her itchy, puffy, and irritated, her husband should have understood that it was hurting her, and not made her always shave it. If she didn’t shave it, he would mess around with other women because he liked baby skinned vaginas. I felt very bad for the women, since they tried to go to marriage consuling, and it made her think that she had a problem with pleasuring her husband. I believe if Delpit were watching this, she would have been very upset. She believes in the codes of power, but when power is put into the wrong hands, its ruined. Her husband didnt have power over her body, and she could of done anything she wanted with herself. If he truely loved his wife, it would not be about whether she shaves her vagina or not.
I really liked this event; it was a very different event from what I usually go to. I learned that women are starting to speak out about things that are forbidden to ever be said, and Johnson would of enjoyed it. Women should be able to speak out and talk about anything they want, since it is a free country. Some stories also were talking about girls who were abused in their vaginas, and got guns shoved up them by men in the army. Listening to these stories also made me uncomfortable, and hurt that they actually had to go through that kind of pain and horror. There was depressing points in this event, but I’m glad they ended it with a hilarious one, which made me enjoy the event a lot more.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Talking Points #6

"One More River to Cross"- Recognizing the Real Injury in Brown: A Prerequiste to Sharping New Remedies. By: Charles Lawrence

This reading way about America's struggle for equality. With the broad focus on the Brown vs. Board of Education case, and how blacks are kept seperate from whites, and being treated as inferior. It effects many black students in trying to get their education, and becoming successful in todays society. The placement of both white and black children in one school, does not remove the imprints of years of segregation in the past. "If you're black, get back."

1) "Segregation American-stlye, like South African apartheid, has only one purpose: to create and maintain a permenant lower class or subcaste defined as race."
I liked this quote, because it was like Johnson, and just said it. Its true, the only reason segregation exists is to keep blacks as an inferior. The injury students may have in these schools where its still there is very unfair and against the law of the fourteenth amendment. The equal protection clause was violated in the brown case, and it shouldnt have been.
2) "Once blacks are labeled as inferior, they are denied access to equal societal opportunities. The resulting inadequate educational preparation, poverty of cultural backgrounds, and lack of expierience constitute real limitations on their ability to contribute to society, and the prophecy of their inferiority is fufilled."
This quote reminded me of Mott Haven, where no one would help and there were many blacks and they suffered from poverty. Once they are labeled as inferior, no one helps or even cares anymore. Schools shouldnt be like this. A black student shouldnt feel any different than a white student. There should be no superior or inferior. and if they get raised like that in a school, then their injuries are carried on for the rest of their lives."segregated schools, prepare children for a segregated socitey which regulates them to marginal roles"
3) "The ultimate goal was full political and civil equality for blacks; they knew that this could not be acheived until the entire system of segregation had been destroyed.Equality of education is not enough, there can be no equality under a segregated system. The American negro is not a dominate minority; therefore he must fight for complete elimination of segregation as his ultimate goal."
Everyone needs to work together to fight segregation. it just wouldnt go away on its own. It has to be completely distroyed so blacks dont feel as if they are inferior to whites.
This reading was kind of confusing to me. It was too many different things at once. I think the point that its trying to prove would be that black students get injured being in these segregated schools, that shouldn't be segregated in the first place. But whose to blame? Is it the state for segregating the houseing, so that the blacks all end up together anyways? Seperate from the whites because they are at a different end of town. I don't really know, it wasn't that clear to me.. but it was interesting in some parts.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Talking Points #5

In The Service of What? The Politics of Service Learning. by: Kahne and Westheimer

In this reading, the authors talk about how service learning projects are very important in all different ways for kids in learning about something new, and at a different perspective. It also improves the community and invigorate the classroom, providing educational expiereinces for not only the students doing the service learning, but the students in the schools that are participating. i learned that Service Learning aims to respond to the community, while furthering the academic goals of the students which is interesting.


1.) "These service learning projects both stress the importance of compassion for those in need, and they encourage children and young adults to find ways to help."

I liked this quote because i believe that this is true. from my expierience i'm helping a little girl who has trouble counting money such as coins. She had trouble counting and knowing what certain coins are and how much they are. Since i've been helping her, the teacher already noticed progress in her work, which made me feel very good. and It also encourages students to help others in need of help. Being good role models for the younger students is a key in service learning, and it provides all sorts of learning expieriences.

2.)" The approach to service learning taken by Mr. Johnson stresses charity in ways in which participating in service and reflection can develope students sense of altruism."

I liked this approach by Mr. Johnson, he wants charity, no exactly change. he wants his students to act on their civic duty as a citizen to know that people are different and accept it. I also had to look up altruism because i didnt really know what that word ment. It means the principal or practice of unselfish concern for or devotion for the welfare of others. It really cleared my thought when i looked up this deffinition, because in service learning, students do develope a sense of altusim, in order to help them and make the project successful.

3.)"The expierimental and interpersonal components of service learning activities can achieve the first crucial step toward diminishing the sense of "otherness" that often separates students--particularly priviledged students--from those in need."

I believe this statement is true also. I feel i am one of those priviledged students, and this service learning has helped me feel more, i want to say feel comfortable, in my community as well as in the classrooms. The otherness often is shown when in the classroom, but with this class i don't see anything.

This reading was an okay one. Kind of got a little boring towards the end. The others really just broaden the importance of service learning in the community. It ends up helping a lot of people in the longrun. What I found extremely interesting, was that in some states, high schoolers neec 75 hours to graduate. I was very surprised at this, becuase my high school was never like that, and those are a lot of hours. I just thought that was very interesting.